A Violin by Claudio Testoni
Claudio Testoni carries on the traditions of the Mantuan school, following the esteemed models of Scarampella and Gaetano Gadda. He has the distinction of being the only pupil of master violinmaker Mario Gadda, to whom he was apprenticed at the age of twenty.
Unlike many crude modern Italian violins, our Testoni is a precious jewel of artistic refinement. The exquisitely cut f-holes combine with a sweeping scroll, perfectly inlaid purfling, and a transparent orange-red varnish to produce a work of great harmony. The maker’s insignia, CT, is branded on the button. It is also branded C Testoni-Mantova beneath the saddle.
The silvery, clear and sunny tone make this violin a perfect choice for a soloist. This violin would also be cherished by a collector for its perfect workmanship.
The maker’s certificate of authenticity with his signed color photographs accompany this fine instrument.